Biodiversity Conservation

NSK’s Approach

The NSK Group strives to determine the impact of its business operations on biodiversity, promote positive impacts, and control negative impacts based on the NSK Biodiversity Guidelines and Action Agenda. NSK uses a great deal of special steels in its bearings and other products. Since these are made from recycled iron scrap, they consume fewer natural resources. We believe that our business operations therefore have a comparatively minor impact on biodiversity.

However, since the loss of biodiversity on a global scale is a serious issue, we do our part to reduce that loss as much as possible and to help restore biodiversity. The NSK Group’s efforts in this area include both business and social contribution initiatives—for instance, assessing biodiversity risk, protecting endangered species on plant premises, conserving energy and resources, and creating environmentally friendly products.

NSK Biodiversity Guidelines
Basic Policy

The NSK Group recognizes the importance of biodiversity, and understands the relationship between our business activities and the ecosystem. We aim to reduce our impact on the environment by creating systems and initiatives that ensure biodiversity is conserved.

Established October 5, 2010 NSK Ltd.

Action Agenda

1. Research and Development
We will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity by developing products that save energy and resources.

2. Procurement and Purchasing
We will contribute to the conservation of biodiversity throughout the supply chain when procuring main materials, sub-materials, and packaging/packaging materials. We will promote the purchase of the environmentally-friendly products, and consider the conservation of biodiversity in product selection criteria.

3. Manufacturing and Logistics
We will minimize the impact of our production on biodiversity by reducing consumption of energy and resources, and emission of environmentally harmful substances.

4. Plant and Office Grounds
We will consider the impact on the ecosystem when acquiring land for our places of business and during greening initiatives.

5. Social Contribution Activities
We will perform social contribution initiatives as a member of international society, and value our collaboration with public and private institutions.

6. Communications
We will actively disclose information on biodiversity-related initiatives to persons both inside and outside the company. We will heighten employee awareness of biodiversity-related issues, and constantly work to improve the quality and efficiency of initiatives.

Established October 5, 2010 NSK Ltd.

Main Initiatives

Overview of Main Biodiversity Initiatives

Action agenda classificationMain initiatives
1. Research and development
2. Procurement and purchasing
3. Manufacturing and logistics
4. Plant and office grounds
5. Social contribution activities
6. Communications
  • Cooperation with NPOs, local governments, and local residents and organizations
  • Inclusion in internal and external communications
Biodiversity Risk Assessments (IBAT*1 Analysis)

A survey of protected areas within a three-kilometer radius of all NSK Group production sites revealed one IUCN Category Ib*2 site and two Ramsar wetland sites. (The survey encompassed World Natural Heritage Sites; IUCN Categories I, II, and III; and Ramsar Sites) We do our utmost to care for biodiversity at these sites.

*1 IBAT: Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool. A tool provided by BirdLife International, Conservation International, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), and UNEP-WCMC (UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre) to help businesses assess biodiversity risks.

*2 IUCN Ib: Wilderness Area

Expanding Social Contribution Activities Related to Biodiversity Conservation