Press Release

NSK Receives “2019 Corporate Governance of the Year” Award

NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President & CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) has been selected as a “Winner Company” in the 2019 Corporate Governance of the Year Awards*1 administered by the Japan Association of Corporate Directors (Chairman: Yoshihiko Miyauchi).

The Corporate Governance of the Year award was first established by the Japan Association of Corporate Directors in 2015. The award is bestowed on companies operating in Japan based on their initiatives to revamp governance structures towards realizing healthy and sustainable business growth over the mid- to long-term. Evaluation also includes measuring company compliance with the Corporate Governance Code set out by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Practical Guidelines for Corporate Governance Systems defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.

At the award ceremony in Tokyo
At the award ceremony in Tokyo. Yoshihiko Miyauchi (left; Chairman of Japan Association of Corporate Directors),
and Saimon Nogami (right; Senior Executive Vice President of NSK).

In 2004, NSK began updating its governance structures by adopting a Nominating Committee and system to achieve appropriate separation of powers in company management, and continues to strive for excellence in governance and all areas of business management. NSK engages in many initiatives enhancing the effectiveness of its corporate governance systems, including:

  • Appointing five Outside Directors with specialist knowledge, broad experience, and a long reputation of ethical conduct in business.
  • Outside Directors accounting for more than a third of the Board of Directors.
  • Third-party evaluations of the Board of Directors' effectiveness.

As a result of its evaluation, the Award Committee selected NSK as a “Winner Company” for management that takes corporate governance into account and for conducting initiatives to revamp governance structures toward realizing healthy and sustainable business growth over the mid- to long-term.

Moving forward, NSK will continue to evolve and adapt its governance structures to further enhance the sustainability of the company and its operations over the long term.

More information about the Corporate Governance of the Year Award and the Japan Association of Corporate Directors. New Window

In-depth disclosures related to governance at NSK:
  1. NSK Report 2019 (Integrated Report)
  2. Sustainability Report 2019 (CSR Report)

*1 ”Corporate Governance of the Year“ is a registered trademark of the Japan Association of Corporate Directors.

About NSK

NSK began its journey manufacturing the first bearings in Japan in 1916, and has since developed into a global organization researching, designing, and manufacturing Motion & Control™ solutions essential for mobility and industrial applications. NSK is the top supplier of bearings in Japan, and is the third largest supplier in the world by market share.

Our responsive products and technologies enhance automotive performance and industrial productivity while reducing energy consumption to unprecedented low levels. In the early 1960s we set our sights outside Japan, and have established over 200 business locations in 30 countries alongside a vast network of joint ventures and partnerships in all corners of the world.

NSK Corporate Philosophy

NSK contributes to a safer, smoother society and helps protect the global environment through its innovative technology integrating Motion & Control. As a truly international enterprise, we are working across national boundaries to improve relationships between people throughout the world.