Press Release

NSK's CSR Report 2014 Wins Award for Excellence

NSK's CSR Report 2014 Wins Award for Excellence

NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Norio Otsuka) today announced that its CSR Report 2014 had been honored with an award for excellence in environmental reporting category at the 18th Environmental Communication Awards, which are jointly sponsored by Japan's Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum.

Now in its 18th year, the Environmental Communication Awards began in 1998. This award program is aimed at encouraging companies and other organizations to take initiatives on environmental management and environmental communication, and at improving the quality of the environmental information disclosed by them. The award recognize outstanding environmental reports, environmental activity reports, and environmental TV commercials.

In receiving the “Award for excellence” in Environmental Reporting, NSK's CSR Report 2014 was acclaimed for being a model of good information disclosure.

The recent award highlights NSK's efforts to promote global warming countermeasures, measures for resource conservation and recycling, and biodiversity conservation. These efforts are based on NSK's desire to contribute to realize a sustainable society through its core business, while improving the corporate value of the NSK Group. The CSR Report also shows the Company's focus on risk management and technology. NSK was commended for the clear presentation of information such as environmental policy initiatives, goals and performance, in the context of its business areas.

Environmental Communication Awards

Organizers Japan's Ministry of the Environment and the Global Environmental Forum
Sponsor Japanese Association of Assurance Organizations for Sustainability Information
Awards ceremony 1:30 to 2:25 p.m., Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Remarks Ministry of the Environment press release (Japanese only) New window
Environmental Communication Awards website
(Global Environmental Forum) (Japanese only): New window

NSK's Global Environmental Conservation Efforts

NSK products, such as bearings, help smooth the operation of a variety of machines, including automobiles, household appliances, trains, steelmaking equipment, wind power generators, elevators, airplanes, and satellites. These properties support the safety, reliability and energy efficiency of machines that incorporate NSK's products.

With the aim of helping to protect the global environment, as stated in its corporate philosophy, the NSK Group is promoting activities such as the creation of environmentally friendly products, global warming countermeasures, measures for resource conservation and recycling, reduced use of environmentally harmful substances, and biodiversity conservation. By also publishing activity progress in its CSR Reports and on the company's website, NSK strives to further enhance communication with stakeholders.