Tokyo, Japan, March 11, 2014 – NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Norio Otsuka) and the NSK Group would like to express its respects and condolences to all the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 on this, the solemn third anniversary of that tragic event. NSK also offers its sincere hope for a speedy total recovery of the disaster-affected areas.
NSK is determined to fulfill its social responsibilities such as a manufacturer to supply its products to a wide range of industries, and recognizes that, to do so, it is vital to strengthen its approach to business continuity planning from the lessons learned from 3/11.
Over the years NSK has focused on protecting human life and minimizing damage from disasters by implementing emergency drills and disaster mitigation efforts such as applying anti-seismic technologies to its equipment and facilities. Now, based on the lessons learned from 3/11, NSK has revised its Business Continuity Plan (BCP), adding new contents on ensuring that product supply is maintained and cooperation is undertaken with local communities in times of disaster. In December 2013, NSK held BCP training to verify the validity of the plan developed for headquarters' functions.
NSK is also committed to creating and maintaining detailed BCPs at each site and group company as well as implementing training in accordance to them, in order to increase the effectiveness of its BCPs.