Press Release

Three Consecutive Gold Awards for LGBTQ Initiatives with “PRIDE Index” Evaluation

NSK Ltd. has received the Gold Award for the “PRIDE Index 2023,” an evaluation of initiatives for LGBTQ in the workplace, as defined by the organization ‘work with Pride'. This marks the third consecutive year of receiving the award since 2021.

work with Pride

NSK is committed to creating a workplace environment where the abilities and characteristics of each employee can be maximized. As part of efforts to enhance understanding and empathy towards less visible forms of diversity, NSK has undertaken various initiatives related to LGBTQ.

NSK's Initiatives on LGBTQ to Foster a Corporate Culture Focused on Diversity

NSK has clarified its stance on gender identity and sexual orientation with the following principles:

  1. Avoiding discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation while protecting the basic human rights of individuals.
  2. Increasing the number of allies who understand and support gender identity and sexual orientation.
  3. Creating a workplace environment and corporate culture where individuals can thrive regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.

Based on these principles, NSK has conducted seminars and training sessions on LGBTQ, established consultation services, and implemented initiatives to increase allies (such as distribution of ALLY stickers). In the fiscal year 2023, in addition to training for consultation services, NSK has organized events focused on LGBTQ allies (those who understand and support) that are open not only to employees but also to the general public, aiming to expand understanding.

As part of internal policies, NSK issued guidelines in 2019 for transgender support titled “Guidelines for Creating an Environment to Support Transgender Individuals” and revised employment regulations in 2021 to include same-sex partners as eligible for the same benefits as all employees' family members.

ALLY Stickers
ALLY Stickers

Management Message:

Diversity is a source of competitiveness. An organizational culture that recognizes and respects each other's individuality is essential for innovation. To be a company that continues to be needed, trusted, and chosen even 100 or 1,000 years from now, we will respect the diverse values and personalities of all stakeholders, contribute to the development of society, and aim for the sustainable growth of the NSK Group.

Akitoshi Ichii

President and CEO

In our efforts to promote Diversity & Inclusion, we focus not only on external differences but also on fostering understanding of unseen or internal diversity. LGBTQ is one aspect of these efforts, and the circle of ALLYs who understand and support these activities has been expanding. Together with our allies, we will continue to work towards creating a workplace environment where all employees can work with peace of mind and maximize their abilities, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or gender expression.

Hidenori Oka

Senior Vice President, Head of Human Resources and General Affairs Division

About the PRIDE Index

The PRIDE Index is an evaluation index for initiatives related to LGBTQ taken by companies and others. It evaluates measures for LGBTQ in five categories and is awarded in three levels: “Gold”, “Silver”, and “Bronze”.

  1. Policy (Action Declaration)
  2. Representation (Community of Stakeholders)
  3. Inspiration (Awareness Activities)
  4. Development (Personnel Systems, Programs)
  5. Engagement/Empowerment (Social Contributions/External Activities)

For more details on the PRIDE Index, please visit work with Pride: New Window