Press Release

NSK Selected as 'CDP2022 Supplier Engagement Leader'

  • NSK received the highest rating for the third year in a row for its work throughout the supply chain on climate change issues.

NSK has been selected by CDP, an international non-profit, non-governmental organization specializing in environmental disclosure, for the third consecutive year for the highest rating in the 2022 Supplier Engagement Rating (hereinafter “SER”). In addition, NSK also achieved the second highest leadership level 'A-' rating in CDP's 2022 Climate Change and Water Security Rating.

NSK aims to be a company that contributes to the sustainable development of society and continues to be needed, trusted and relied upon by society 100 and 1000 years into the future.

NSK's sustainability information

NSK was selected in particular in recognition of NSK's Group-wide efforts to protect the environment by providing products and services that contribute to energy and resource conservation, as well as its proactive Group-wide efforts to reduce CO2 emissions through its business activities.

About CDP

CDP is an international environmental non-profit organisation that rates and evaluates companies and municipalities worldwide on their efforts to set high targets, manage risk and disclose information on environmental issues. The Supplier Engagement Rating assesses how effectively companies are working with their suppliers on climate change issues, and includes a number of key areas of climate change-related initiatives, including 'governance', 'targets', 'Scope 3 GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions', 'supplier CDP selects companies that achieve the highest rating in the Supplier Engagement Assessment as Supplier Engagement Leaders.

About NSK

NSK began its journey manufacturing the first bearings in Japan in 1916, and has since developed into a global organization researching, designing, and manufacturing Motion & Control™ solutions essential for mobility and industrial applications. NSK is the top supplier of bearings in Japan and is the third largest supplier in the world by market share.

Our responsive products and technologies enhance automotive performance and industrial productivity while reducing energy consumption to unprecedented low levels. In the early 1960s, we set our sights outside Japan and have established over 200 business locations in 30 countries alongside a vast network of joint ventures and partnerships in all corners of the world.