Press Release

NSK Establishes the NSK Scholarship Foundation

NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) announced that it has established the NSK Scholarship Foundation as a way to support the education of future generations.

NSK established the NSK Scholarship Foundation to celebrate its 100th anniversary in November 2016. The foundation's activities are based on NSK's mission statement─contributing to a safer, smoother society and helping protect the global environment, and strengthening relationships between people throughout the world. Activities will also be guided by the NSK Vision 2026 “Setting the Future in Motion,” as well as NSK's determination to continue to deliver new value to customers and the broader society. The goal of the foundation is to provide advanced educational opportunities to young people who will lead the way in the next generation on global issues such as conflict, hunger, climate change, and protection of the environment.

Comment from foundation supporter Yukio Ikemura, Head of CSR Division Headquarters, Senior Vice President

This move is in large part due to the aspirations of the younger employees who were on the NSK Centennial Project Team for the 100th anniversary of NSK. The driving force behind establishing this foundation was to “take advantage of this once-in-a-century opportunity to spur development of the human resources who will lead the next generation.” The foundation aims to provide opportunities to those who have had to give up on their dream of pursuing an advanced education overseas for economic reasons, but who still want to help build a better society despite the world's widening economic gaps and unending international friction. The foundation will not only provide financial assistance, but will also engage in support activities to build stronger connections between people and society.

Foundation Information

Name NSK Scholarship Foundation
Founded by NSK Ltd.
Chairman Norio Otsuka, Chairman, NSK Ltd.
Location Nissei Bldg., 1-6-3 Ohsaki, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 141-8560, Japan
Established on April 11, 2017

Business description

  • Provision of scholarships to Japanese students for study abroad at universities and graduate schools
    ─Provision of educational assistance to young Japanese leaders who have a strong desire to contribute to the world
    (Fields of study: Social sciences, science and engineering)
  • Provision of scholarships to students from Asia for study at universities in Japan
    ─Educational assistance for young people in Asia, as a leading manufacturing enterprise in the region
    (Fields of study: Science and engineering)