NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) announced that the NSK Report 2016 has been recognized with a best integrated reporting award by the 4th WICI Japan Award for Excellence in Integrated Reporting. This is the first time that NSK has won this award.
The WICI Japan Award for Excellence in Integrated Reporting was established by the World Intellectual Capital Initiative (WICI), as a way to promote its activities in Japan. It supports the activities of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), which strives to improve the sustainability of business entities and society and seeks to enhance communication between businesses and their stakeholders through clear and concise business reporting.
In fiscal 2016, four companies were recognized with best integrated reporting awards.
The reasons given for NSK's award were as follows: (1) explanation of the value creation process in easy-to-understand terms; (2) extensive coverage of elements that should be included in integrated reporting, and; (3) content that enables dynamic predictions of the future and changes to the company from a long-term perspective, as part of NSK's 100th anniversary reporting.
NSK is actively pursuing information disclosure and dialogue with investors. Going forward, the company aims to improve its corporate value through prompt, fair and appropriate disclosure of its business strategies and financial information, as well as non-financial information―environmental, social and governance (ESG) updates. NSK is committed to meeting the expectations of all stakeholders on an ongoing basis.