NSK Korea President Seong-Il Jo Wins the Order of Industrial Service Merit
NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) today announced that President Seong-Il Jo of its South Korean local affiliate, NSK Korea Co., Ltd., has won the Order of Industrial Service Merit from Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. It was presented on October 15 as part of Foreign Company Day.
The criteria evaluated for this award included attracting investments from outside South Korea, contributing to technological innovation between South Korea and Japan and the creation of new jobs as a result of NSK Korea's new production plant in South Korea.
A Message from the President of NSK Korea
It is indeed a great honor to receive the Order of Industrial Service Merit. Ever since NSK established production and sales sites in South Korea in 1987, business activities have grown and expanded alongside South Korea's economic growth. Actually, NSK's continued business expansion can be attributed to the understanding and support of customers, suppliers, employees, and local communities. Currently, in South Korea we have two production sites, two sales sites, and two technology centers, all of which have continued to support the business of South Korean companies. We will continue to do our best to contribute to South Korea's development through our business activities.
Mr. Seong-Il Jo accepting the award (second from the right)
Foreign Company Day
Foreign Company Day was established in 2001, with this year thus marking the 15th celebration. The ceremony awards foreign business investors and investment activities that contribute to South Korea's economy. This year the distinguished services of 53 individuals contributing to development of the national economy were evaluated, awarding them medals that included the Order of Service Merit, the Order of Industrial Service Merit, and the President's Award.