Press Release

NSK Constructs Second Data Center

Supporting a stronger business continuity plan (BCP) against disasters affecting IT infrastructure

NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Toshihiro Uchiyama) announced the opening of a second data center in Okinawa as part of its efforts to build a business continuity plan (BCP) prepared for disasters that affect IT infrastructure. The NSK group is determined to keep fulfilling its mission as a parts manufacturer, providing a stable supply of high-quality products.

NSK Constructs Second Data Center ceremony
Middle: Hiromasa Orito, Vice president, IT & Business Coordination Logistics Division HQ -Head
Second left: Yasushi Wakakura, President, NSK NETWORK AND SYSTEMS Co.,Ltd.


The NSK Group operates inter-company systems for Japan and the Asian region in its main data center located in the Tokyo capital region. This data center boasts a quake-resistant construction that can withstand the shaking of large-scale earthquakes, with a power supply that makes continued operations possible in the event of a disaster.

However, the Great East Japan Earthquake threw public transportation and communications networks into chaos and led to a system of planned outages due to electricity shortages, creating events that exceeded what was anticipated. A future earthquake in the Tokyo capital region or the Tokai, Tonankai or Nankai areas could cause major disruption to public infrastructure.

Because such a chaotic situation carries a risk of interfering with operations in the main data center, it became urgent to build a BCP for the in-house systems at NSK.

Construction of a second data center

Okinawa was chosen as a backup site because, at 1,500 kilometers away from the main data center, it is unlikely that a simultaneous disaster will occur in this location, and it has the least risk of earthquakes of any area in Japan. Construction began last year, and the backup site began operation this June.

In the event of a disaster that results in suspension of operation at the main data center, transferring operation of mission-critical systems to the second data center will make it possible to maintain the supply chain, allowing the company to minimize impact on customers.