Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 2014 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Norio Otsuka) today announced that it has added a high-speed, high-power grease-replenishing spindle that achieves speeds of 25,000 min-1 to its lineup. This new product achieves the world's fastest speed for the spindle of machining tools, thereby making machining tools capable of higher speeds and higher levels of output.
NSK will be exhibiting this new product at JIMTOF2014 (Japan International Machine Tool Fair) from Thursday, October 30 to Tuesday, November 4 at Tokyo Big Site (Koto-ku, Tokyo). NSK will launch the sales of this product in January 2015 and is targeting 300 million in global annual sales for the whole series by 2016.
* NT40 taper size class (based on NSK internal research)