Press Release

NSK product Wins the Machinery Component Award at the 4th MONODZUKURI* Innovative Component Awards

Tokyo, Japan, March 23, 2007 - NSK Ltd. (NSK; Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Seiichi Asaka) is pleased to announce that it won the Machinery Component Award at the 4th MONODZUKURI Innovative Component Awards. These awards are organized by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, Ltd., (Nikkan), a Japanese newspaper publisher, and sponsored by both the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Highly dust-resistant ball screws V1 series
Machinery Component Award winner NSK Ltd.
Winning entry Highly dust-resistant ball screws V1 series
Reason NSK's ball screw V1 series offers higher dust-resistance and greater durability with low-friction torque. Even in contaminated environments, this product offers a level of durability that is four times higher than that of conventional ball screws.

Overview of the Awards

MONODZUKURI Innovative Component Awards
(Organized by Nikkan and sponsored by both the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
The MONODZUKURI Innovative Components Awards, which were established in 2003, are intended to promote “MONODZUKURI” in Japan by highlighting components, which form the basis of a manufacturer's competitive edge, and even to contribute to the development of industry and society as a whole. After preliminary examinations by Nikkan, the winners are selected based on the views of outside specialists that act as advisors to the review committee.
*:MONODZUKURI literally means “goods production.” However, MONODZUKURI is not simply about manufacturing products. It is the art and the joy of making things as perfectly and efficiently as possible while respecting nature in terms of both the materials used and the environment. This concept is at the core of our notion of value creation, and should be positively applied to industries beyond manufacturing to enhance the competitiveness of Japanese industry as a whole.