NSK Supplier CSR Guidelines
The NSK Supplier CSR Guidelines are shared with our suppliers. The guidelines ask that they provide safe products, comply with laws and regulations, and take measures to protect the environment and human rights while ensuring occupational health and safety. Our suppliers are committed to following these guidelines.
In October 2022, NSK revised the Guidelines to the 4th edition in order to respond to recent demands from global society, such as climate change countermeasures and respect for human rights. We have also incorporated clauses on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance into basic transaction agreements.
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NSK Supplier CSR Guidelines (By Items)
1.1 Compliance
1.1.1 Creation of a structure for complying with laws and corporate ethics
1.1.2 Compliance with competition laws
1.1.3 Preventing corruption and bribery
1.1.4 Preventing the giving or acceptance of improper benefits
1.1.5 Compliance with export-related laws and regulations
1.1.6 Protection of intellectual property
1.1.7 Protection of confidential and personal information
1.1.8 Provision of safe, quality products and services
1.2 Human Rights and Labor
1.2.1 Non-discrimination
1.2.2 Respect for human rights
1.2.3 Prohibition of child labor
1.2.4 Prohibition of forced labor
1.2.5 Management of working hours
1.2.6 Appropriate wages and benefits
1.2.7 Development of human resources
1.2.8 Creation of safe and healthy workplaces
1.2.9 Open communication with employees
1.3 Environment
1.3.1 Establishment and operation of an environmental management system
1.3.2 Compliance with environment-related laws and fulfillment of administrative procedures
1.3.3 Prevention of environmental pollution
1.3.4 Advancement of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
1.3.5 Advancement of resource saving measures
1.3.6 Preservation of biodiversity
1.4 Local Communities
1.4.1 Responsible procurement
1.4.2 Social contribution
1.5 Risk
1.5.1 Risk reduction
1.5.2 Business Continuity Plan (BCP) formulation and improvement
1.6 Information Disclosure
1.7 Application of These Guidelines to Your Company's Suppliers