
A quarry in Central America was experiencing bearing failures every 6 months on its vibrating screens. This equipment is critical, since each failure represents 24 hours of production downtime. Because of this, NSK evaluated the failure conditions and recommended, based on these findings, VS series bearings made of HTF (High-Tough) steel, designed to withstand the most severe operating conditions under load, lubrication and contamination.

Vibrating Screen
  • Vibrating Screen in a Quarry
Spherical Roller Bearing - Vibrating Screen Series
  • Spherical Roller Bearing - Vibrating Screen Series

Key Facts

  • The bearing works on a vibrating screen under severe conditions of vibration and contamination
  • The bearing failed every 6 months which relates to production stoppages of more than 24 hours at every bearing failure
  • NSK engineers evaluated the operating conditions and damaged bearings seeking to increase the reliability of the application
  • NSK Solution: Vibration specification VS Spherical Roller Bearings made from TF steel
  • The new bearings resulted in a triple lifetime compared to previously used bearings
  • This generated reduced the maintenance cost and machine downtimes

Value Proposals

  • The bearing works on a vibrating screen under severe conditions of vibration and contamination
  • The bearing failed every 6 months which relates to production stoppages of more than 24 hours at every bearing failure
  • NSK engineers evaluated the operating conditions and damaged bearings seeking to increase the reliability of the application
  • NSK Solution: Vibration specification VS Spherical Roller Bearings made from TF steel
  • The new bearings resulted in a triple lifetime compared to previously used bearings
  • This generated reduced the maintenance cost and machine downtimes

Product Features

  • The bearing works on a vibrating screen under severe conditions of vibration and contamination
  • The bearing failed every 6 months which relates to production stoppages of more than 24 hours at every bearing failure
  • NSK engineers evaluated the operating conditions and damaged bearings seeking to increase the reliability of the application
  • NSK Solution: Vibration specification VS Spherical Roller Bearings made from TF steel
  • The new bearings resulted in a triple lifetime compared to previously used bearings
  • This generated reduced the maintenance cost and machine downtimes
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Bearing Costs € 7 692 Bearing Costs € 2 849
Engineering Costs € 1 006 Engineering Costs € 335
Costs of lost production € 71 688 Costs of lost production € 23 896
Total Costs € 80 386 € 27 081
