Mood, Industries, 1600x230


A contractor who is working with slurry injectors including disc harrows had huge problems with failed Agri Hubs during or after the season. The bearings failed because of contamination during use or seizure after periods of standing unused. This meant that after every season all bearings had to be replaced for the whole machine. A costly and time consuming exercise. In addition, regular maintenance was required during heavy usage period in the season. NSK was consulted to solve this problem and were able to offer its maintenance free Agri Hub solution which gives extended lifetime due to its heavy duty sealing and lifetime greasing pack. The units were totally interchangeable with the current arrangement and had the added benefit of easy mounting due to its modular design.

Disc harrow, agriculture, application
  • Slurry Disc Harrow
Agri Disc Hub, Sealing, close-up
  • Agri Disc Hub with special sealing

Key Facts

  • Greased for life 
  • Maintenance free
  • Extended lifetime
  • Improved Sealing
  • Interchangeable to current product

Value Proposals

  • NSK engineers investigated failed item 
  • NSK offered interchangeable solution, no need to re-design the machine

Product Features

  • Greased for life
  • No maintenance needed
  • Robust design
  • Improved sealing​
  • Design flexibility
  • Interchangeable with current design
  • Easy to mount
Cost Saving Breakdown
Before Cost p.a. NSK Solution Cost p.a.
Costs of lost production: Inoperable for 2 days 2 000 € Costs of lost production: No downtime 0 €
Bearing Costs: One disc harrow machine 3 000 € Bearing Costs: No need for new Agri Hubs 0 €
Engineering Costs: Mounting of bearings 2 000 € Engineering Costs: No need to change Agri Hubs 0 €
Engineering Costs: Turn shields once per week 1 000 € Engineering Costs: No weekly maintenance 0 €
Total Costs € 8 000 € 0
