Press Release

第5回 中国・北京清華大学「中日友好NSK機械工学系優秀論文奨」授与のお知らせ

日本精工株式会社(本社/東京都品川区 取締役 代表執行役社長 朝香聖一、以下NSK)は、第5回の清華大学「中日友好NSK機械工学系優秀論文奨」の受賞者を決定いたしました。

中日友好機械工学系優秀論文奨 概要

大学院生(修士・博士を問わず) 10部
論文1部あたり 5,000人民元


  受賞者名 受賞論文
1 Yan He Hollow core photonic crystal fiber surface-enhanced Raman probe. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006), 204101-1∽3
2 Wang Hu Assembly planning based on semantic modeling approach. Computers in Industry, 58 (2007), 227-239
3 Zhu Liang Tuning wettability and getting superhydrophobic surface by controlling surface roughness with well-designed microstructures. Sensors and Actuators A, 131-132 (2006), 595-600
4 He Longbiao Ultrasonic generation by exciting electric arc: A tool for grain refinement in welding process. Applied Physics Letters, 89 (2006), 131504-1∽2
5 Zang Changqing Fe-based bulk metallic glass with high plasticity. Applied Physics Letters, 90(2007), 061901-1∽3
6 Tang Liang Optimization of a child restraint system by using a particle swarm algorithm. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4115 (2006), 137-144
7 Zhang Jie Effect of solids concentration distribution on the flue gas desulfurization process. Environmental Science & Technology, 40 (12), 4010-4015, 2006
8 Zou Jiang Dynamic analysis of gas transport in cathode side of PEM fuel cell with interdigitated flow field. Journal of Power Sources, 159(2006), 514-523
9 Li Wei Thermal flutter analysis of large-scale space structures based on finite element method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69 (2007), 887-907
10 Huang Shiqing Pattern instability of a soft elastic thin film under van der Waals forces. Mechanics of Materials, 38 (2006), 88-99